“At the heart of law is not justice but the will to punish. And it is when this will to punish becomes a pervasive political impulse, a mass phenomenon, that we leave democracy and enter what we call neodemocracy: the idea that the law is here not to protect the vulnerable, or be responsible to those who are outnumbered. When punishment becomes the guiding force in and of law, we have left the realm of human freedom. We have entered into what liberals call the rule of law.”
What, Mutant asks, does the law yield? What does the law make of us — and what does the law break in us?
If freedom is the most molecular of human desires and hope the most fragile of human capacities, then fear is an all too human...
We have so far traversed almost two dozen concepts at Mutant. And yet every word thought and spoken in these dialogues, it might be...
What does it mean to be human? This is a question at once timeless, yet often posited as an abstraction: as though being human...